Part of the reason we switched over from having all our data stored in our server on-site and having the system running from our office was we got burned … badly … by our server crashing and, as a result, having to re-input some of our data. We thought we were bullet proof. But, we found we only had to have a power brown out or complete failure and things could really go amiss. When the idea of having our data stored by somebody else, off site, was first put to us, we had concerns, because we would be handing over control to a third party. But, when we looked into it closely, we concluded we’d be far safer, without the need to worry about doing backups. It means we don’t have to worry about power failures and brownouts. If the power goes down, we can still get onto the internet via our batterycharged laptops which means, we can still function – booking in services and monitoring jobs – if all the regular office equipment goes down. having bitten the bullet and gone for ServicePRO-OnLine has only ever gone ‘off the air’ when Telstra suffered a nation-wide outage.Compared with the crashes we used to have with our own system, ServicePRO-OnLine has been, reliable with very few issues. Importantly, wherever we are and whatever we’re doing, we know everything is backed up, safe and secure, and that we can get our data, 24/7.