Getting Started

Getting Started is Easy!

Getting Started

Getting Started - PEST-APP

The fact that PEST-APP offers a simple and easy start, along with the availability of an Australian-based support team, is reassuring for Pest Control businesses looking to adopt the software. Here’s how this support can be beneficial:

  1. Onboarding Assistance: Having access to a support team means you can receive assistance with setting up and configuring PEST-APP for your Pest Control Business. This onboarding support can streamline the process and ensure that you start using the software effectively from day one.
  2. Quick Issue Resolution: If you encounter any challenges or have questions during the initial setup or while using the software, the support team is readily available to provide quick solutions and guidance.
  3. Training and Guidance: The support team can offer training and guidance on how to make the most of PEST-APP’s features and capabilities. They can help you get up to speed on the software’s functionalities.
  4. Customization Support: If you need to customize PEST-APP to better align with your specific business needs, the support team can offer assistance in tailoring the software to your requirements.
  5. Technical Support: For any technical issues or software-related concerns, the support team can provide technical assistance, ensuring that your software runs smoothly.
  6. Ongoing Help: Beyond the initial setup, the support team remains available for ongoing support, helping you address any new challenges that may arise as your Pest Control Business evolves.
  7. Peace of Mind: Knowing that you have access to a local support team can provide peace of mind, as you can rely on them for assistance and expertise when needed.

With PEST-APP’s simple start and a responsive, locally based support team, you have the resources and guidance necessary to smoothly integrate the software into your Pest Control Business. This support can significantly contribute to a successful implementation and effective use of the software in your daily operations.


What do I need to start using PEST-APP?

The fact that PEST-APP is a cloud-based, no-installation software is a significant advantage for Pest Control businesses. Here are the key benefits of this approach:

  1. Accessibility: Cloud-based software is accessible from anywhere with an internet connection, making it a flexible solution for professionals who need to work in the field, office, or remotely.
  2. No Installation: Because it’s cloud-based, there’s no need for complex software installations or updates on individual devices. Users can access PEST-APP directly through a web browser, saving time and eliminating compatibility issues.
  3. Automatic Updates: Cloud-based software typically receives automatic updates, ensuring that you are always using the latest version with the most up-to-date features and security measures.
  4. Data Security: Cloud-based solutions often come with robust data security features, such as encryption, data backups, and disaster recovery options, providing peace of mind for your business data.
  5. Scalability: Cloud-based systems can easily scale to accommodate your business’s growing needs without the need for extensive hardware upgrades.
  6. Cost-Efficiency: Cloud-based solutions can be more cost-effective than on-premises software, as they reduce the need for dedicated hardware and maintenance.
  7. Collaboration: Team members can collaborate seamlessly within a cloud-based system, regardless of their physical location.
  8. Flexibility: The cloud-based approach provides flexibility for businesses to adapt to changing work environments and operational needs.

Overall, the simplicity and accessibility of cloud-based, no-installation software like PEST-APP make it a practical choice for Pest Control businesses, streamlining operations and ensuring that you have access to the software and data you need, whenever and wherever you need it.

I am ready to sign-up. What do I need?

When you decide to subscribe to PEST-APP, the process of getting started typically involves several steps. Once your subscription is processed, you can expect to receive certain essential information and materials via email. Here’s a general outline of what you might receive:

  1. Welcome Email: A welcome email is often the first communication you’ll receive, introducing you to PEST-APP and providing important initial information. It may include a welcome message from the PEST-APP team.
  2. Account Information: The email will include your account details, such as your username and initial password for logging into PEST-APP.
  3. Getting Started Guide: To help you make the most of PEST-APP, a getting started guide or user manual may be included in the email. This guide typically provides step-by-step instructions on how to set up and use the software effectively.
  4. Access Links: You’ll receive links or URLs that allow you to access PEST-APP through your web browser. These links will direct you to the login page.
  5. Subscription Confirmation: The email may include a confirmation of your subscription, outlining the details of your subscription plan, including pricing, features, and any terms and conditions.
  6. Training Resources: Depending on your subscription package, you may receive access to training materials, webinars, or online resources to help you become proficient with PEST-APP.
  7. Support Contact Information: The email will typically provide contact information for PEST-APP’s customer support or helpdesk, allowing you to reach out if you have questions or need assistance.
  8. Next Steps: The email might outline the next steps you should take to fully integrate PEST-APP into your Pest Control Business.
  9. License Agreement: You may receive a software license agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of using PEST-APP.
  10. Invoice or Billing Information: If applicable, the email may include an invoice or billing details, specifying payment methods and due dates.

Remember to carefully review the contents of the email and follow any instructions provided. This will help ensure a smooth transition as you begin to use PEST-APP to enhance your Pest Control Business operations.